FFMpeg motion detection

FFMpeg motion detection offers a way to create videos that are smaller and shorter becuase it only captures changed scenes. This post discussed the topic, https://superuser.com/questions/984841/ffmpeg-remove-parts-without-motion. Here is the command I used based off of this conversation. ffmpeg -i “http://viewr1:viewr1@” -vf “select=gt(scene\,0.004),setpts=N/(25*TB)” IPCam4_Motion.mp4 The one thing I noticed was the timestamp in the video is being detected as a scene change, this introduces a higher noise floor. I found that my lowest scene value to be .004. This site, http://www.bogotobogo.com/FFMpeg/ffmpeg_thumbnails_select_scene_iframe.php … Continue reading FFMpeg motion detection